Max Profile document

Analysis: We analyze and save the information needed in the scene to task.json, asset.json, upload.json, tips.json for further analysis and processing


Description: Store scene analysis results, rendering settings and other information


    "scene_info": {
        "common": {
            "CurrentProjectFolder": "C:/Users/dingyutao/Documents/3dsMax",
            "Faces": "3784",
            "Peak_Memory": "702.758",
            "Vertices": "1914",
            "all_camera": [
            "all_element_type": [
            "all_output_file_type": [
            "animation_range": "0-100",
            "cgv": "2018",
            "element_active": "1",
            "element_list": [
			"element_path_list": [
            "element_type": ".rla",
            "frames": "0",
            "gamma": "1",
            "gamma_val": "2.2",
            "global_proxy": "false",
            "height": "480",
            "in_gamma": "2.2",
            "is_picture": "0",
            "net_render": "0",
            "out_gamma": "2.2",
            "output_file": "E:/3D_Scene/Max/jh/output/1/jh_out.rla",
            "output_file_basename": "jh_out",
            "output_file_type": ".rla",
            "rend_save_file": "true",
            "rend_timeType": "1",
            "renderable_camera": [],
            "taskdurationlimit": "86400",
            "width": "640"
        "renderer": {
            "name": "scanline",
            "renderer": "scanline",
            "renderer_orign": "Default_Scanline_Renderer"
    "scene_info_render": {
        "common": {
            "CurrentProjectFolder": "C:/Users/dingyutao/Documents/3dsMax",
            "Faces": "3784",
            "Peak_Memory": "702.758",
            "Vertices": "1914",
            "all_camera": [
            "all_element_type": [
            "all_output_file_type": [
            "animation_range": "0-100",
            "cgv": "2018",
            "element_active": "1",
            "element_list": [
            "element_path_list": [],
            "element_type": ".rla",
            "frames": "0",
            "gamma": "1",
            "gamma_val": "2.2",
            "global_proxy": "false",
            "height": "480",
            "in_gamma": "2.2",
            "is_picture": "0",
            "net_render": "0",
            "out_gamma": "2.2",
            "output_file": "E:/3D_Scene/Max/jh/output/1/jh_out.rla",
            "output_file_basename": "jh_out",
            "output_file_type": ".rla",
            "rend_save_file": "true",
            "rend_timeType": "1",
            "renderable_camera": [
            "width": "640"
        "renderer": {
            "name": "scanline",
            "renderer": "scanline",
            "renderer_orign": "Default_Scanline_Renderer"
    "software_config": {
        "cg_name": "3ds Max",
        "cg_version": "2018",
        "plugins": {}
    "task_info": {
        "cg_id": "2001",
        "channel": "4",
        "distribute_render_node": "3",
        "enable_layered": "0",
        "frames_per_task": "1",
        "input_cg_file": "D:/houdini/CG file/jh/jh.max",
        "input_project_path": "",
        "is_distribute_render": "0",
        "is_layer_rendering": "1",
        "is_picture": "0",
        "job_stop_time": "259200",
        "os_name": "1",
        "platform": "2",
        "pre_frames": "100",
        "project_id": "200953",
        "project_name": "Project1",
        "ram": "64",
        "render_layer_type": "0",
        "stop_after_test": "1",
        "task_id": 28474141,
        "task_stop_time": "0",
        "tiles": "1",
        "tiles_type": "block",
        "time_out": "43200",
        "user_id": 100150764
    "additional_info": {}


parameter type Is it necessary description example
software_config dict Y environment(cg software, version and plugins, etc.) refer to software_config
task_info dict Y render settings(priority frames, render range, etc.) refer to task_info
scene_info_render dict Y analysis result(render node, output, etc.) refer to scene_info_render
scene_info dict N same as scene_info_render
additional_info dict N Location of user-defined parameters (need to use custom parameters, need to confirm with the company business personnel)


parameter type Is it necessary description example
cg_name string Y software name "3ds Max"
cg_version string Y software version "2001"
plugins object Y rendering plugin {}


parameter type Is it necessary description default example
graphics_cards_num string Y 1: open single card rendering 2: open dual card rendering "2"
enable_layered string Y render layer mode,"0":off, "1":on "0" "1"
cg_id string Y software id."2001": Max "2001"
ram string Y ram: 64 / 128 "64" "64"
os_name string Y Rendering machine operating system: "0":Linux; "1": Windows "1" "1"
render_layer_type string N render layer mode: "0":renderlayer "1":rendersetup "0" "0"
is_distribute_render string N distributed render mode,"0":off, "1":on "0" "0"
input_cg_file string Y input file path "E:/copy/DHGB_sc05_zhuta_610-1570_v0102.project"
input_project_path string Y project path, could be empty " "
job_stop_time string Y Set the frame timeout time, will only affect the current frame, unit seconds "259200" "28800"
user_id string Y user id
pre_frames string Y Priority rendering (priority frames are not recommended to customize multiple individual frames) "000" "000: 1,3-4 [1]" means: Priority rendering first frame: No Priority rendering middle frame: No Priority rendering last frame: No Priority rendering custom frame: 1,3-4 [1]
platform string Y submit platform : "2": "www2", "3": "www3", "6": "www4", "21": "gpu", "2"
is_picture string Y "0: Effect Chart "1": Animation Chart "0" "0"
project_id string Y project id " " "200953"
project_name string Y project name " 0" "Project1"
channel string Y 1:Web local analysis (animation deduction); 2:web cloud analysis; 3:Rendering plugin submission; 4:API/SDK submission; 8:Animation plugin submission "4" "4"
tiles_type string Y "block, strip" "block" "block"
tiles string Y tile number, 1 for single node, greater than 1 for tiles rendering(multi-nodes) "1" "1"
distribute_render_node string N nodes number for distributed rendering "3" "3"
frames_per_task string Y frames per task "1" "1"
stop_after_test string Y "1":pause after priority render, "2":continue after priority render (default "2") "2" "2"
task_id string Y task id
task_stop_time string Y Large task timeout stops in unit seconds, "0" means unlimited "0" "86400"
time_out string Y Overtime reminder time, unit: sec "43200" "43200"


  • Only when the GI setting is enabled can you use block rendering. The tile rendering mode (tiles_type) and the multi-frame rendering mode (frames_per_task) are mutually exclusive. Only one mode can be used at the same time.
  • Max temporarily does not support distributed rendering (is_distribute_render).
  • Max no layered rendering (enable_layered).


parameter type Is it necessary description example
renderer dict Y Renderer refer to scene_info_render.renderer
common dict Y Scene general information refer to scene_info_render.common


parameter type Is it necessary description example
CurrentProjectFolder string Y The project path of the scene "C:/Users/dingyutao/Documents/3dsMax"
Faces string N Number of faces in the scene "3784"
Peak_Memory string Y Peak memory "702.758"
Vertices string Y vertex "1914"
all_camera list Y List of all cameras ["Camera001", "Camera002",“Camera003”]
all_element_type list Y All supported rendering element types [
all_output_file_type list Y All supported output file types [
animation_range string N Animation frame range "0-100"
cgv string Y Max software version “2018“
element_active string Y Whether to output rendering elements
"1": output; "0": no output
element_list list Y Render element list [
element_path_list list N List of element paths [
"jh_out_MultiMatteElement.rla", "jh_out_VRayAlpha.rla",
element_type string Y Output element type ".rla"
frames string Y Current rendered frame “0”
gamma string Y Whether gamma is enabled in the scene
"1": enabled;
"0": not enabled
gamma_val string Y Gamma “2.2”
global_proxy string Y Whether to open the global agent “false”
height string Y Resolution, high "480"
width string Y Resolution, width "640"
in_gamma string Y fileingamma "2.2"
is_picture string Y "0: Effect Chart "1": Animation Chart "0"
net_render string N Whether network rendering
"1": on;
"0": not on
out_gamma string Y fileoutgamma "2.2"
output_file string Y The main image output path in the scene "E:/3D_Scene/Max/jh/output/1/jh_out.rla"
rend_save_file string N Whether to save the output file “true”
rend_timeType string N rendTimeType “1”
renderable_camera list N Need to submit the rendered camera ["Camera001"]


parameter type Is it necessary description example
name string Y renderers.production "scanline"
renderer string Y classof renderers.production "scanline"
renderer_orign string Y renderer orign "Default_Scanline_Renderer"


Description: Store asset path information to be uploaded


    "asset": [
            "server": "/C/3D_Scene/Max/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-1.JPG",
            "local": "D:/houdini/CG file/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-1.JPG"
            "server": "/C/3D_Scene/Max/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-3.jpg",
            "local": "D:/houdini/CG file/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-3.jpg"
            "server": "/C/3D_Scene/Max/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-4.jpg",
            "local": "D:/houdini/CG file/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-4.jpg"
            "server": "/C/3D_Scene/Max/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-6.JPG",
            "local": "D:/houdini/CG file/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-6.JPG"
            "server": "/C/3D_Scene/Max/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-8.jpg",
            "local": "D:/houdini/CG file/jh/3d66Model-545019-files-8.jpg"
            "server": "/C/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2018/maps/uvwunwrap/UV_Checker.png",
            "local": "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2018/maps/uvwunwrap/UV_Checker.png"
            "server": "/D/houdini/CG file/jh/jh.max.7z",
            "local": "C:/workspace/max/1593418445/jh.max.7z"
    "scene": {
        "hash": "8a0d163994a2361808b6f5390967a614",
        "server": "/D/houdini/CG file/jh/jh.max.7z",
        "local": "C:/workspace/max/1593418445/jh.max.7z"
    "vrlmap": [],
    "vrmap": []


parameter type description description example
asset list Y Asset path information to be uploaded refer to asset
scene dict Y Information of scene compressed files to be uploaded
vrlmap list N Light cache information to be uploaded
vrmap list N The cache information of the luminous texture to be uploaded


parameter type description example
local string Asset local path "D:/chensr/scene/"
server string Server-side relative paths are generally consistent with local. "/D/chensr/scene/"

Description: Storage of analytical errors, warnings
    "10035": [
        "not activation camera"
    "15031": [